Got your weekend reading lined up?

Here's mine.

Hi, friends.

Whatever your weekend schedule is, and whatever works for you—hiding from the world or running around in it, alone time or time with people—I hope you’ve got some of that coming up.

I’ll likely be doing my current usual: going for walks, watching movies, reading, and baking, and I’m VERY much looking forward to that.

Book covers: A Girl Called Justice, by Elly Griffiths; The Girl with the Glass Bird, by Esme Kerr; A Peculiar Combination, by Ashley Weaver


While I have a SERIOUS track record in re: bringing books home and then reading completely different things, here’s what I’m dragging home this weekend:

  • A Girl Called Justice, by Elly Griffiths: Middle grade British boarding school murder mystery! Set in the 1930s! By Elly Griffiths, who won me over with her adult mysteries!
  • The Girl with the Glass Bird, by Esme Kerr: Another middle grade British boarding school mystery, this one is about a girl who is sent to the school by her art-dealer uncle to spy on a melodramatic Russian princess—named Anastasia, *cough*.
  • A Peculiar Combination, by Ashley Weaver: Adult historical mystery about Electra McDonnell (which is a NAME), a WWII-era thief who is caught red-handed and agrees to help the British government steal some blueprints in exchange for them looking the other way in re: her crimes. But everything goes wrong, because she finds the safe already empty AND a dead body. And things go from there. Based on the title and the jacket flap copy, I suspect she and the dude who caught her are going to get romantical.

Publicity photo: Ghosts (BBC), Season Two


We’re all over the place at the moment, but over the past week we blew through a season and a half of Ghosts—a British comedy about a young couple that inherits a giant manor in poor repair & decide to take on the renovations themselves in the hopes of turning it into a hotel… only to discover that it’s already EXTREMELY occupied. Not only is the ever-delightful Lolly Adefope in it, but so is Garfunkel from my beloved The Detectorists. (I know he has a real name, but sorry, guy, you’ll always be Garfunkel to me.)

One thing led to another, and I realized that it was created—and stars—a bunch of the same folks who did the Horrible Histories show (based on Terry Deary’s nonfiction children’s series), so I fired that up, and GOOD LORD, based on the absurdity that went on in the first episode, now we’re going to have watch that as well? Like any sketch comedy, some of the segments are stronger than others, but I couldn’t even breathe after watching this:

Speaking of not being able to breathe, we’re still rewatching Space Ghost Coast to Coast, and not only did this make me laugh so hard I cried, we’re also now just walking around singing it constantly:

Your mileage may vary, but good grief, I can’t even look at Brak’s face without getting the giggles, and so when you add the inanity of the lyrics to the mix, it just wrecks me.

Other Adventures:

Because I’m a big nerd and love collectable nonsense, I’ve been doing some of those virtual run/walk things—basically, you log a certain number of miles and then they mail you a medal or some other prize—and I just finished up the Dino-Might Challenge (like I said, serious nerd energy) and started the Sea Turtle Exploration.

It looks like we might get a lot of rain this weekend, though, so a trip to Bean’s might be in order to get a raincoat so that I can… go for walks in the rain? If you’ve got a fave raincoat, let me know. I especially like deep hoods so I can feel like a character in a fantasy novel.

Also, a patron brought me some homemade bagels this week, and they were FANTASTIC, so obviously now I’d like to make some—any favorite recipes?

What’s on your docket?

Talk soon,