Metaphorical waffles

Or, a quick pick-me-up from my current read

Metaphorical waffles
Kate Alice Marshall’s Secrets of Eden Eld trilogy: Thirteens, Brackenbeast, and Glassheart

Good morning, friends,

I’m currently sitting in front of a fan reading Kate Alice Marshall’s upcoming Glassheart and trying to avoid the revolting heat. Just hit this very solid piece of advice from our heroine’s aunt, and thought it would be worth passing along:

“You’re always going around with the weight of the world on your shoulders, Eleanor. And I get it. But don’t forget to enjoy some waffles now and then, too.”

Eleanor’s Aunt Jenny is talking about the literal waffles that she’s making in this scene, but it’s also, of course, a metaphor.

So I hope you’re all able to take a moment at some point today—and for that matter, EVERY day—to enjoy a metaphorical waffle.

With love,

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