No Slumber Party this week!

Apparently, good news can ALSO mess with your head??

Hello, friends,

I hope that you’re doing as well as can be, considering yesterday’s news.

Yesterday was actually a real whiplash kind of a day, with me getting some great news in the morning—so great that I legit had to take the day off of work to try to wrap my brain around it—and then ending the day with the news from Texas. Woof.

So I’ll be taking this week off to re-rack and so on.

A couple of small delights

If you’re out in nature this weekend—and truly, despite the mosquitos, I spent the entire day yesterday sitting out by our firepit and just staring, somewhat shell-shocked, at the busy birdfeeders in our dogwood tree—and you haven’t downloaded the Merlin Bird ID app, you might want to consider it.

You can use it to identify birds visually by giving it info about size and color and body shape and so on, but the super-rad thing it can do is identify them by SOUND. It RULES, because A) I’m suddenly connecting some of the sounds I’ve heard around our house for years to specific birds, and B) I’m realizing just how many other birds are around that we just don’t know about because they spend so much of their time so far up in the canopy that we can’t really see them.

I really need to get some binoculars.

Merlin app loading page; screenshot of the birdsong ID in action

The Seek app is another one I use quite a bit, but more for plants. Yesterday I spotted an unfamiliar pink flower in a spot where I *know* we hadn’t put anything, and discovered that it’s a Wild Bleeding Heart??? Which I didn’t even know was a thing???

So cool.

Screenshot from Seek app; pic of the wild bleeding heart I stumbled upon

And yes, I’m still playing Pikmin Bloom, and now they’ve introduced library/bookstore decor.

Which is obviously entirely my jam.

Pikmin Bloom banner; screenshot of a Rock Pikmin with his rad SF book flair

Hold your loved ones close—mentally, physically, emotionally, whatever works for you.

I’ll talk to you next week.

All my love,
