Small Delight: Happy Halloween!
A passage from a middle grade horror story by Anica Mrose Rissi.
Happy Halloween, friends! I hope that today—and let’s face it, every other day, too—you’re able to eat exactly as much candy corn as you want.
(Or whatever your favorite Halloween candy is: Fancy chocolate? Nerds? Bottle Caps? Pop Rocks? Swedish Fish? Neapolitan Coconut Slices???)
Anyway, here I am, dropping into your inbox on a holiday—and my wedding anniversary!—to share a quick passage from Hide and Don’t Seek, a middle grade collection of horror stories by Anica Mrose Rissi.

From a short story called Once Upon a Time, by Anica Mrose Rissi:
Sophia leaned over and picked up the book. She flipped through the pages, looking for the spot where she’d left off. Sophia had read a lot of books, so she knew—when a door in the story creaked open, something strange was about to happen. She wanted to find out what.
The next sentence was interrupted by an eerie, spooky sound—like a thousand ancient pages rustling and the secrets inside them crying out. It sounded far off, but it felt like it was right behind her.
Sophia looked up from her book. “What was that?” she whispered.
“It’s nothing,” the sound whispered back.
Feels appropriate for today, right?
I hope that you enjoy your day, spooky or not!