Weekend reading plans

Two re-reads and one that pubs in November

Hello, my dears,

Given that I have plans with my Treasured Sister on Sunday, my reading time this weekend is already in Questionable Territory… and that was before I bought a few small add-ons for The Sims 4 and added a whole mess of movies to my ongoing watchlist. Sooo we’ll see what happens.

Book covers: Glassheart, by Kate Alice Marshall; Black Hearts in Battersea, by Joan Aiken; The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett

Glassheart, by Kate Alice Marshall
Amazon | Bookshop

I loved the first two in this series. LOOOOOVED. Middle grade dark fantasy/horror that features adults making deals with fae-types to SACRIFICE THEIR OWN CHILDREN in exchange for prosperity and power!! Why that is my exact jam, I don’t know but apparently it IS, omg omg omg. I will be SO sad to see this trilogy wrap up, but at the same time, I’m dying to see how it all plays out!

Black Hearts in Battersea, by Joan Aiken
Amazon | Bookshop

The second I finished re-reading The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, I pulled a copy of the sequel off the shelf. Safe to say it was a successful re-read??

The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett
Amazon | Bookshop

We just re-watched the William Powell/Myrna Loy movie for the gazillionth time last night and basically both turned into puddles of heart eye emojis. So I pulled a copy of this one off the shelf as well, it’s been ages and ages since I revisited it.

Fan of What We Do in the Shadows? Enjoy this gorgeous pic of Harvey Guillén

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Last weekend’s plans

Weekend reading plans
Hello, my friends, If you’re a Monday-Friday person, happy weekend! I am not—I work on Saturdays—but as my Saturday shift is a short one, it never feels quite like a regular workday, so I consider Friday the end of the week anyway. As always, brains are weird?

Where are you on the re-reading/re-watching spectrum? Often? Rarely? Never? Constantly? What are the ones that you tend to go back to: Comfort reads or reads that you want to get a stronger handle on? I’ve found that my library patrons are all over the place on this.

And of course, what do you have on deck for the weekend?

Talk to you next week,