What are your reading/watching plans for the weekend?
On deck for me: Middle grade horror, essays about movies, and romcoms.

I’m hoping to read:
- Monsters in the Mist, by Juliana Brandt. Pub copy: When Glennon McCue moves into a lighthouse on a mysterious island not found on any maps, he must figure out why those who visit are never heard from again before he and his family fall victim to the island's curse.
- Malamander, by Thomas Taylor. Pub copy: A quirky, creepy fantasy set in Eerie-on-Sea finds a colorful cast of characters in hot pursuit of a sea monster thought to convey a surprising gift.
- Profoundly Disturbing: Shocking Movies that Changed History, by Joe Bob Briggs. Pub copy: From the murky depths can come the most extraordinary things. . . . Profoundly Disturbing examines the underground cult movies that have–unexpectedly and unintentionally–revolutionized the way that all movies would be made.
I’m hoping to watch:
I’m on a bit of a romcom rewatch kick. In the last two days, I’ve revisited Sabrina (still absurdly charming, even if Humphrey Bogart’s monologue about how Big Business is unintentionally hilarious) and Four Weddings and a Funeral (hoo boy, Andie MacDowell continues to be the weakest thing about the movie and the friend group continues to be the strongest… well, that and John Hannah, who, as always, made me sob, that stinker.)
So I’m thinking that The Apartment is up next, because Jack Lemmon being twinkly is one of my favorite things in the whole world:
What do you have lined up?
Talk to you soon,